Tuesday, January 15


Hello ladies:

I know that you think that I have really dropped out of the whole scene, but I haven't...really I haven't.

I read this book some time ago and I really enjoyed the idea of learning about the chinese culture. I find it fascinating...and I am greatful that I was born where and when I was. I was shocked by the explination of the foot binding and how young it began. I started to see my nieces and how their feet would be well on the way to being bent over and twisted...how did these women walk, work or stand for that matter...don't get me started. The reason these women were mulitated the way they were was for the sexual gratification of their spouses. Crazy stuff. But, we have to remember that women were second class citizens...and unfortunately still are in so many societies.

It was unfortunate too that how the women were treated they mimiced in their own interpersonal relationships. Lily to me was a sad character... She truly fell victim to her own treatment and was just as intolerant to others around her. I agree with Karen when she said that she didn't have a great self esteem/self love etc. (I think it was Karen...) In any case how does one love others if they really don't love themselves.

Interesting book...thanks for the pick!

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