Friday, February 2

Another Newbie

I guess I should follow D's lead and introduce myself. Our husbands are very good buddies and when D came into Matt's life I was grateful she and I hit it off so well. She is a gem! I was so sad to see them move away from us. They were one of our very few fave couples that left the Provo area and now me and Ian are all alone. Whah.

After my first year of being a mom I am excited to start reading novels again. I remember reading my head off when I was pregnant, but that came to a hault the moment Liam was born. You can see more of his cuteness on my link in the sidebar. Besides reading a good book, I love surfing the blogosphere and reading up on real life friends and bloggy friends. I love taking photos of my boy and posting them up on his blog too! I never thought journaling could be so much fun!

I certainly don't have the education and experience D has in the literature department, but I do love putting my nose into a recommended book. I don't tend to read books on the fly... only ones that are preferred by someone I know. Being in a book club is the best way to find all kinds of goodness that I wouldn't have otherwise run into. Thanks, Katie, for inviting me to join here.

If you want to know more about me, Click here to read my 100 things about me!

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