Tuesday, December 26

Purple Persian Pickles

OK, so I added Purple, but it sounds good.
I can't believe Karen was first. Is there a new world order? ;-) Way to go!!
I loved how "comfortable" this book made me feel. It made me miss (ok, so I wasn't there to miss it), the easier pace of olden times. Now, I love technology - I don't know how I ever lived without my cell phone and I'm jealous that missionaries now use email to communicate much faster than the snail-mail we used back in my day. However, there are times when I wish things would calm down, I could spend time cooking and visiting friends. I agree with Karen how "[t]he use of "down home" language to describe people, places and events was so fresh and generated a feeling of authenticity in the story." It was a very comforting read.
One thing I must say is that I didn't like Rita, I didn't like how she appeared to 'pooh-pooh' the down-home life of the other members of the PPC. Having attended college and wanting a career made her 'better' than others. I found my dislike for her odd, since I'm for not only women's education but not trying to fit in for fitting in's sake.
Now, about the ending. Oddly enough, in the middle of the book I started wondering whether Queenie had committed the murder or not. However, at the end, by saying it was she, I felt she was honoring the secret of the club members. However, I've been wrong before.
Thanks, Karen, for a great pick!!

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