Wednesday, November 16

Patricia MacLachlan's Gems...

Hello Ladies!

This is probably going to be far shorter than I want it to be, as we are scurrying around trying to get things packed for our moved back out to the midwest (we are heading to Bonner Springs, KS, for those of you back "home"). There have been so many parrallels to my real life while I've been reading these books, I found it kinda ironic. Maybe I was just being prepared for things to come.

I loved that these books were so simple, and yet so powerful and emotionally packed...I wonder if they were hard to write because they were so easy to read. I also appreciated that Sarah, Plain and Tall was based on an actual family occurrence--go geneology! Wahoo! It's no wonder that Sarah is an award winner. I felt like I was reading poetry and was often soothed by it.

I thought there were several overall themes that both books shared, but the one that really sticks out in my mind is faith. In Sarah, it was a child like faith and hope that Sarah would stay (I loved the quiet romance that took place, too). In Skylark, it was definitely more an adult faith (when will it rain...) and loving what you know first, but being willing to adapt.

In my own life, there are many many life changes going on, it's almost overwhelming. Wonderful, surprising things (will our house sell before we move on Friday? Is it the right decision to go before it sells? Is that really a double line on that pregnancy test??????) and potentially frustrating things (what to pack now....what to leave so the house shows better? How will the kids do with a 22+ hour drive?) and that Jason will be coming back to Las Vegas for a bit while I am in Kansas with the girls. Crazy. (and yes, I am pregnant with my 3rd child...about 6ish weeks, so I can appreciate Sarah's moment, too).

But the thing that I take/took comfort (and cried and cried) is that Sarah stayed (in Sarah), and that the rains came (in Skylark). I loved the visual in the first book of Caleb saying, while crying with relief, "Seal was worried!!!" That made me laugh through my tears. And then Sarah and Jacob's reunion. oh!!!! bawled bawled bawled.

Soooo, being a total sap, I went and checked out the 3rd book (the sequel to the sequel), "Caleb's Story", which is also simply wonderful, with a powerful theme of forgiveness. I'd recommend this one, too!!!!!

I so enjoyed these books, and I hope you all did too! I look forward to reading these when I finally get back to a computer. (we are leaving on the 18th and will go and try to find a place when we get there...see???? Lots of opportunity to exercise faith. Where is my glass to set out???? Lolol).

Happy Thanksgiving, Les Liseuses!

:) Laurenda

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love how you noticed the faith aspect. Caleb putting out a jar for the rain. How easy it is for us as adults (OK, I mean me) to not use such faith and instead of expecting to succeed, expect to fail.