Tuesday, February 23

Shadow versus Angel

Yes, I know I'm late (thanks, Danielle, for posting). Even though I'm the one who recommended The Angel's Game, I didn't really enjoy it. You know how they say that you should never meet your heroes because they'll only disappoint? When I read Shadow of the Wind several years ago, I could not put it down. I loved the characters, the story, everything. It was just one of those books that grabbed me right from the beginning and didn't let go, even after I was finished with the book. I even discussed it with one of my German friends who was listening to the book on tape (OK, it was book on iPod, but...). I couldn't stop myself from recommending it to my friends. I have waited anxiously for another one of Senor Zafon's books to be translated into English, and literally jumped for joy when I heard about The Angel's Game.

Sadly, I didn't have the same reaction to The Angel's Game as I did to Shadow of the Wind. Mr. Zafon's writing style is still very descriptive and evocative, but the story didn't draw me in. I didn't like any of the characters at all - I was mostly frustrated with the main character and just wanted him to "snap out of it!" (Imagine, if you will, the scene in Moonstruck where Cher slaps Nicolas Cage across the face and tells him to snap out of it - that's what I wanted to do).

Reading this book felt like a chore. Yes, I finished it, but only because I felt like I had to since this book was my choice. But I would read a chapter and then leave the book for days (and days) before picking it up again.

Just a side note, I recently read a book about the life of Harper Lee. There was much conjecture as to why she never wrote another book. (Not that Zafon is in the same league as Harper Lee nor is Shadow of the Wind in the same league as To Kill a Mockingbird) In a way, I'm almost glad she didn't write another book. If she had written another book as amazing as To Kill a Mockingbird, that would have been great and I would have loved to read it - but with the great expectations she would have had to live up to, could that even have been possible? An almost impossible feat. And, if she had written several books not quite as good as To Kill a Mockingbird, would that have diminished its own importance? I don't know - now I'm just rambling, but this was just a thought that went through my mind as I read Angel's Game.

For those of you who didn't like this book, please don't let it stop you from reading Shadow of the Wind. That one will be worth your time. Can't wait for The Hunger Games (yes, I've already read it, but I LOVE IT!).

1 comment:

Miss L said...

Katie, I just have to say, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" to your review. Not my fav book, but I'm so glad you picked something that was so completely different to read. Yay!!! :)