Saturday, February 4

Girl Power

There's nothing that annoys me more than reading or watching helpless female characters. Women can do more than wait for the big, strong man to save her. So, I really appreciated Katrina's explanation about Honor's importance. Being a fan of strong female characters like Buffy, Sidney Bristow (Alias), Veronica Mars, etc., I was happy to see another strong female character.

Like Laurenda, however, I found it difficult to get started. Being a Star Wars fan, I was sure I would be OK with this book. However, I found the pages devoted to the evolution of the Warshawski drive, for example, tedious. At other times, there were terms and references that I would have appreciated knowing something about, so I was easily confused at the beginning of the book (maybe that just says something about me).

I liked Honor. I liked the way she handled her crew. She was tough, but she never berated them - which in the end earned their respect. I really liked how she overcame the disadvantages that people heaped upon her (Admiral Hemphill and Pavel Young come immediately to mind). I liked all the characterizations in the book. Although he sometimes frustrated me, I understood McKeon. I really like Dame Estelle. I appreciated that there were other women in leadership positions on Fearless (i.e. Dominica Santos), and that Honor wasn't the only strong female involved.

I'll just touch lightly on the language. I have a harder time reading foul language than hearing it. Is that weird? I will say that the language during the battle scenes was realistic, but I don't have to like it. ;-)

Here's my biggest question from the book. How can there be a Navy in space? Doesn't a Navy require water? How can spaceships have sails?

Thanks, Katrina, for suggesting a book that I wouldn't have purchased myself. That's what I love about this book club. I get to read books that take me out of my reading zone.

1 comment:

Miss L said...

Katrina wrote me a comment about the language issue, which I thought was interesting, so you might check out that comment page!

Hope all is going well!!!!!!!!

:) Laurenda